Channel ban management

Ban and quiet management commands.

C, our channel services bot, provides the following tools to aid channel owners in mantaining their channel's ban and quiest lists, and dealing with misfits.

You can communicate with C via private messages or through server-side aliases, as shown below:

  • /msg C <text>
  • /msg <text>
  • /chanserv <text>
  • /cs <text>

C also supports "in-channel" (also known as "fantasy" commands), which allows commands to be used in the channel itself. All in-channel commands directed towards C begin with a period. If a command is given in a channel, and the channel argument is not given, C will use the name of the channel that the command was used in. In-channel commands can only be used in registered channels; however, C does not have to be in the channel for them to work.

For the purpose of this document, we will be using the first method listed above, as not all IRC clients readily support server-side aliases without additional setup and/or client commands; however, you can choose to use any of the above methods you like as they're all equivalent.


  1. Permanent and timed bans
    1. BANS
    2. ADDBAN
    4. DELBAN
  2. Permanent and timed quiets
    1. QUIETS
  3. Banning and kicking
    1. BAN
    2. KICK
    3. KICKBAN
  4. Removing bans
    1. UNBAN
    2. UNBANME
  5. Quieting and removing quiets
    1. QUIET
    2. UNQUIET
  6. Adding and removing ban exemptions
    1. EXEMPT
  7. Adding and removing invite exemptions
    1. INVEX
    2. UNINVEX

Permanent and timed bans


Syntax: /msg C BANS #channel [mask|nick]

Allows anyone on the channel's user list to view a list of all permanent and timed bans.

You may narrow down the listing by providing a mask or nickname of an online user, in which case only those bans matching the mask or user will be shown.

Example 1: /msg C BANS #darenet

Lists all permanent and timed bans for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C BANS #darenet trip

Lists all permanent and timed bans for the channel #darenet that match the user trip.


Syntax: /msg C ADDBAN #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

The ADDBAN command adds an entry to the channel's permanent ban list. Permanent bans are triggered whenever a user matching one joins the channel, causing a ban to be set on the channel and the user kicked. They can be added by nickname or hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will create the hostmask for you according to the channel's BANTYPE setting. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

If a reason is given, it will be used in the kick message.

Example 1: /msg C ADDBAN #darenet BadUser Spamming is bad for your health

This would add a permanent ban matching the user using the nickname BadUser, and with the reason "Spamming is bad for your health".

Example 2: /msg C ADDBAN #darenet *!*@*

This would add a permanent ban for the hostmask *!*@* in the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C ADDTIMEDBAN #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

The ADDTIMEDBAN command adds an entry to the channel's permanent ban that will be removed once the duration of the ban has passed. They are triggered just like permanent bans, whenever a user matching joins the channel. They can be added by nickname or hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will create the hostmask for you according to the channel's BANTYPE setting. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

If a reason is given, it will be used in the kick message.

Example 1: /msg C ADDTIMEDBAN #darenet BadUser 1d Spamming is bad for your health

This would add a timed ban lasting 1 day matching the user using the nickname BadUser, and with the reason "Spamming is bad for your health".

Example 2: /msg C ADDTIMEDBAN #darenet *!*@* 1d12h

This would add a timed ban lasting 1 day and 12 hours for the hostmask *!*@* in the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C DELBAN #channel <hostmask|nick>

Deletes permanent and timed bans matching the hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will remove all permanent and timed bans matching that user. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

Example 1: /msg C DELBAN #darenet trip

Deletes all permanent and timed bans matching the user trip from the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C DELBAN #darenet *!*@*

Delates all permanent and timed bans matching the hostmask *!*@* from the channel #darenet.

Permanent and timed quiets


Syntax: /msg C QUIETS #channel [mask|nick]

Allows anyone on the channel's user list to view a list of all permanent and timed quiets.

You may narrow down the listing by providing a mask or nickname of an online user, in which case only those quiets matching the mask or user will be shown.

Example 1: /msg C QUIETS #darenet

Lists all permanent and timed quiets for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C QUIETS #darenet trip

Lists all permanent and timed quiets for the channel #darenet that match the user trip.


Syntax: /msg C ADDQUIET #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

The ADDQUIET command adds an entry to the channel's permanent quiet list. Permanent quiets are triggered whenever a user matching one joins the channel, causing a quiet to be set on the channel. They can be added by nickname or hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will create the hostmask for you according to the channel's BANTYPE setting. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

If a reason is given, it will be shown when listing quiets.

Example 1: /msg C ADDQUIET #darenet BadUser Flooding

This would add a permanent quiet matching the user using the nickname BadUser, and with the reason "Flooding".

Example 2: /msg C ADDQUIET #darenet *!*@*

This would add a permanent quiet for the hostmask *!*@* in the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C ADDTIMEDQUIET #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

The ADDTIMEDQUIET command adds an entry to the channel's permanent quiet that will be removed once the duration of the quiet has passed. They are triggered just like permanent quiets, whenever a user matching joins the channel. They can be added by nickname or hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will create the hostmask for you according to the channel's BANTYPE setting. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

If a reason is given, it will be shown when listing quiets.

Example 1: /msg C ADDTIMEDQUIET #darenet BadUser 1d Flooding

This would add a timed quiet lasting 1 day matching the user using the nickname BadUser, and with the reason "Flooding".

Example 2: /msg C ADDTIMEDQUIET #darenet *!*@* 1d12h

This would add a timed quiet lasting 1 day and 12 hours for the hostmask *!*@* in the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C DELQUIET #channel <hostmask|nick>

Deletes permanent and timed quiets matching the hostmask. If a nickname is specified, C will remove all permanent and timed quiets matching that user. You must have 250 access or higher to use this command.

Example 1: /msg C DELQUIET #darenet trip

Deletes all permanent and timed quiets matching the user trip from the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C DELQUIET #darenet *!*@*

Delates all permanent and timed quiets matching the hostmask *!*@* from the channel #darenet.

Banning and kicking


Syntax: /msg C BAN #channel <hostmask|nick>

Adds a hostmask to the channel's ban list.

If a nickname is given, the user must be online and a host matching the user will be generated according to the channel's BANTYPE setting.

The ban will last until someone removes it from the channel's ban list.

Example 1: /msg C BAN #darenet BadUser

Sets a ban on the channel #darenet matching the user using the nickname BadUser.

Example 2: /msg C BAN #darenet *!*@*

Sets a ban on the channel #darenet for the  hostmask *!*@*


Syntax: /msg C KICK #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

Kicks users matching the given nickname or hostmask from the channel. You must have HOP access or higher to use this command.

If no reason is provided, a default one is used.

Example 1: /msg C KICK #darenet BadUser

Kicks the user using the nickname BadUser from the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C KICK #darenet *!*@* Bye

Kicks all users mathing the hostmask *!*@* from the channel #darenet using the reason "Bye".


Syntax: /msg C KICKBAN #channel <hostmask|nick> [reason]

Kicks and bans users matching the given nickname or hostmask from the channel. You must have HOP access or higher to use this command.

If no reason is provided, a default one is used.

The ban will last until someone removes it from the channel's ban list.

Example 1: /msg C KICKBAN #darenet BadUser

Kicks the user using the nickname BadUser from the channel #darenet and sets a matching ban.

Example 2: /msg C KICKBAN #darenet *!*@* Bye

Sets a ban on the channel #darenet for the  hostmask *!*@*, and kicks all users matching the hostmask using the reason "Bye".

Removing bans


Syntax: /msg C UNBAN #channel <hostmask|nick>

Removes bans matching the specified hostmask or user from the channel's ban list.

Example 1: /msg C UNBAN #darenet BadUser

Removes any bans matching BadUser from the ban list for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C UNBAN #darenet *!*@*

Removes any bans matching the hostmask *!*@* from the ban list for the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C UNBANME #channel

Removes bans matching yourself from the channel's ban list.


Syntax: /msg C UNBANALL #channel

Removes all bans from the channel's ban list.

Quieting and removing quiets


Syntax: /msg C QUIET #channel <hostmask|nick>

Adds a hostmask to the channel's quiet list.

If a nickname is given, the user must be online and a host matching the user will be generated according to the channel's BANTYPE setting.

The quiet will last until someone removes it from the channel's quiet list.

Example 1: /msg C QUIET #darenet BadUser

Sets a quiet on the channel #darenet matching the user using the nickname BadUser.

Example 2: /msg C QUIET #darenet *!*@*

Sets a quiet on the channel #darenet for the  hostmask *!*@*


Syntax: /msg C UNQUIET #channel <hostmask|nick>

Removes quiets matching the specified hostmask or user from the channel's quiet list.

Example 1: /msg C UNQUIET #darenet BadUser

Removes any quiets matching BadUser from the quiet list for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C UNQUIET #darenet *!*@*

Removes any quiets matching the hostmask *!*@* from the quiet list for the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C UNQUIET #channel

Removes quiets matching yourself from the channel's quiet list


Syntax: /msg C UNQUIETALL #channel

Removes all quiets from the channel's quiet list.

Adding and removing ban exemptions


Syntax: /msg C EXEMPT #channel <hostmask|nick>

Adds a hostmask to the channel's ban exemption list.

If a nickname is given, the user must be online and a host matching the user will be generated according to the channel's BANTYPE setting.

The ban exemption will last until someone removes it from the channel's ban exemption list.

Example 1: /msg C EXEMPT #darenet GoodUser

Sets a ban exemption on the channel #darenet matching the user using the nickname GoodUser.

Example 2: /msg C EXEMPT #darenet *!*@*

Sets a ban exemption on the channel #darenet for the hostmask *!*@*


Syntax: /msg C UNEXEMPT #channel <hostmask|nick>

Removes ban exemptions matching the specified hostmask or user from the channel's ban exemption list.

Example 1: /msg C UNEXEMPT #darenet GoodUser

Removes any ban exemptions matching GoodUser from the ban exemption list for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C UNEXEMPT #darenet *!*@*

Removes any ban exemptions matching the hostmask *!*@* from the ban exemption list for the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C UNEXEMPT #channel

Removes ban exemptions matching yourself from the channel's ban exemption list


Syntax: /msg C UNEXEMPTALL #channel

Removes all ban exemptions from the channel's ban exemption list.

Adding an removing invite exemptions


Syntax: /msg C INVEX #channel <hostmask|nick>

Adds a hostmask to the channel's invite exemption (invex) list.

If a nickname is given, the user must be online and a host matching the user will be generated according to the channel's BANTYPE setting.

The invite exemption will last until someone removes it from the channel's ban exemption list.

Example 1: /msg C INVEX #darenet KnownUser

Sets an invite exemption on the channel #darenet matching the user using the nickname KnownUser.

Example 2: /msg C INVEX #darenet *!*@*

Sets an invite exemption on the channel #darenet for the hostmask *!*@*


Syntax: /msg C UNINVEX #channel <hostmask|nick>

Removes invite exemptions matching the specified hostmask or user from the channel's invite exemption list.

Example 1: /msg C UNINVEX #darenet KnownUser

Removes any invite exemptions matching KnownUser from the invite exemption list for the channel #darenet.

Example 2: /msg C UNINVEX #darenet *!*@*

Removes any invite exemptions matching the hostmask *!*@* from the invite exemption list for the channel #darenet.


Syntax: /msg C UNINVEXME #channel

Removes invite exemptions matching yourself from the channel's invite exemption list


Syntax: /msg C UNINVEXALL #channel

Removes all invite exemptions from the channel's invite exemption list.

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