FAQ: Moderation & Safety

What are the rules?

DareNET's community guidelines are posted here, and by using our services you are bound to our terms of service and privacy policy.

If you encounter a violation of our Community Guidelines, we ask that you report this behavior to us. In addition, please remember that you can always ignore any users you don't want to interact with anymore.

What should I do if I see something I don't like?

DareNET is quite open and fosters the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Our user base is diverse, with a wide array of viewpoints, ideas, and perspectives. If you see something that makes you uncomfortable or disagree with but doesn't violate the rules, we suggest moving to a different channel or ignoring the individual(s) in question.

If you aren't sure if something violates the Community Guidelines, please reach out to a staff member in #help, and can double-check.

How can I ignore a user?

If someone's bugging you, you can block all messages from them with the SILENCE command (and we won't tell them).  See the SILENCE command guide for information on how to use it.

What are the roles of channel owners and operators?

Channel owners are the people who create channels. They establish the rules for participating, can invite people to join, and oversee the health and well-being of their community. They have broad control over their channel and can bring in channel operators to help manage things. They can also ban or remove members and remove and replace channel operators.

Channel owners and operators are your first go-to when encountering an issue in a channel. They may be able to respond immediately and help resolve your concerns. Remember, each channel may have its own rules of behavior, which supplement our Community Guidelines.

What is ban evasion?

Ban evasion usually refers to a user being banned from a channel, then using an alternative account or different host to continue participating on that channel. It can also refer to a user being banned from DareNET and attempting to circumvent that ban. Network staff will address the latter and does not require a channel operator report.

Both violate our Community Guidelines and could result in a network ban.

Channel ban evasion: It is up to channel operators to decide who participates in their channel, so even if you disagree with the reason for your ban, you should not attempt to evade it. Some channel operators may be okay with a user returning to their channel on another account so long as they participate in good faith; as such, we only review ban evasion reports when they are reported by the channel operators. For guidance on how to seek to get a channel ban removed, see our Channel ban removal FAQ.

How are the rules enforced?

If a staff member confirms a violation,  they will take immediate steps to mitigate the harm. The following are actions that we might take:

  • Removing the content, in the case of profile pages
  • Warning users to educate them about our Community Guidelines and their violation
  • Temporarily banning or suspending an account as a "cool-down" period
  • Permanently banning users from DareNET
  • Removing a channel from DareNET
  • Disabling specific account or channel features

How can I appeal your actions?

Users can appeal actions against their account or a network ban affecting them. When we investigate abuse reports, we ensure we're only taking action when it is warranted. But we're not perfect, and mistakes might happen. Thus, appeals are essential.

If you think we took unwarranted action against your account or channel, you can reach out to us so we can review your case.

Should you still need assistance, stop by #Help on IRC.